What is Rosacea?

This condition is most commonly characterized as flushing of the skin on the face. There are four different subtypes of rosacea, all with slightly different symptoms. These include:

Ocular rosacea

In ocular rosacea, the skin surrounding the eyes becomes red and swollen. The eyelids may look very irritated.

Phymatous rosacea

In this type of rosacea, the skin on the face thickens and becomes bumpy and red. This can affect large areas of the face, and is not confined to small patches.

Erythematoleanglectic rosacea

Rosacea of this type is characterized by visible blood vessels on the surface of the face. These blood vessels cause the standard redness and flushing found in other rosacea types.

Papulopustular rosacea

The defining characteristic of this type of rosacea is that it often resembles acne, and presents itself in breakouts.

In addition to the symptoms that characterize the types of rosacea above, other symptoms can include skin sensitivity, a stinging and burning sensation, dryness or roughness, spider veins upon the skin, and a propensity to blush more easily than other people.

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Is Rosacea Contagious or Dangerous?

Rosacea is neither contagious nor dangerous. The physical symptoms rarely cause serious complications, although ocular rosacea may impede a person’s vision. However, because it is a chronic and long-term skin condition, it does have the ability to negatively impair a person’s quality of life. A person who is suffering from rosacea may experience worry about their appearance, humiliation, self-consciousness, embarrassment, anxiety, and even depression.

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Treating Rosacea

Rosacea can be triggered by a number of lifestyle and dietary choices. For example, the following types of food may cause a rosacea flare-up:

  • Spicy foods
  • Alcohol
  • Inflammatory foods/histamine-containing foods

Extreme temperatures, extensive exercise, hot baths or saunas, stress, anger, and sunlight may also exacerbate rosacea.

In treating rosacea, it is important to identify your body’s own rosacea triggers. By avoiding trigger foods and activities, you may be able to manage your rosacea on your own. It is important to note that there is no cure for rosacea. However, rosacea is entirely manageable.

When rosacea cannot be managed by avoiding triggers alone, medical intervention may be necessary. Topical creams and ointments, oral medications, and even antibiotics may be prescribed to help you treat rosacea.

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Learn More About Your Rosacea Today

If you have rosacea, an appointment with a dermatologist can provide you with answers to any questions about your skin condition that you may have. Use the links below to find a clinician or location near you that offers treatment for rosacea.

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