A Non-Surgical Treatment for Skin Cancer and Chronic Conditions

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a medical treatment that uses a combination of light and a photosensitizing agent (a special medication that becomes active when exposed to a specific wavelength of light) to target abnormal cells.

  • Photosensitizer Application: The treatment starts with applying or injecting a photosensitizing agent. This medication is absorbed by cells, particularly those that are abnormal or damaged, such as cancerous cells or precancerous lesions.
  • Light Activation: After allowing time for the photosensitizer to be absorbed, the targeted area is exposed to a specific type of light, often blue or red, which activates the photosensitizer.
  • Cellular Damage: Once activated, the photosensitizer produces a form of oxygen that damages or destroys the targeted abnormal cells while leaving healthy tissue largely unharmed.
  • Healing and Recovery: The damaged cells are then naturally cleared away by the body, and the treated area begins to heal.
Smiling woman in green shirt

Applications of PDT in Dermatology

PDT is commonly used in dermatology to treat conditions like actinic keratoses (precancerous skin lesions) and, in some cases, early-stage skin cancer. It can also be used in other areas of medicine, such as treating certain types of cancer or infections.


  • Minimally invasive
  • Highly targeted, reducing damage to surrounding healthy tissue
  • Can be performed in an outpatient setting


  • Treated skin can become temporarily sensitive to light, requiring patients to avoid sunlight or bright indoor light for a few days after the procedure.

Set Up Your Appointment With a Dermatologist Today

If you want to find out if you are a good candidate for photodynamic therapy, use the buttons below to find a clinician or location near you that offers this treatment.

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