Understanding Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a skin condition caused by direct contact with an irritant or allergen, resulting in redness, itching, swelling, or even blistering of the skin. It can be challenging to identify the exact trigger, especially when symptoms develop hours or days after exposure.

Woman with allergy patches on her back

Contact Dermatitis Patch Test: What to Expect

Allergy patch testing is a valuable diagnostic tool for uncovering the cause of contact dermatitis. This test involves applying small amounts of suspected allergens to the skin using adhesive patches, which are left in place for 48 hours. Afterward, the skin is evaluated for reactions over several days to determine which substances are causing the irritation. Patch testing provides essential insights, enabling individuals to avoid specific allergens and manage their condition effectively.

5 Ways to Improve Results from Patch Testing

Dermatologists and allergists use patch testing to find out if something is causing an allergic reaction on your skin. What you do while the patches are on your skin affects your results.

To reduce the risk of getting inaccurate results, board-certified dermatologists recommend you do these five things:

  1. Leave your patches in place.
  2. Keep the area dry.
    If the patches get wet, this can skew your results.
  3. Return for both your appointments.
  4. Protect your patches from the sun.
    Seek shade. Wear sun-protective clothing that covers your patches.
  5. Do NOT apply hydrocortisone to your skin.
    If you apply anything that contains hydrocortisone while you have the patches on your skin, you can get inaccurate results.
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Set Up Your Appointment With a Dermatologist Today

Do you want to find the cause of your allergic contact dermatitis? Use the buttons below to find a clinician or location near you that offers patch testing.

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