Treatment for Psoriasis, Eczema, and Vitiligo

Skin disorders can cause severe physical changes to the dermis, which is the thick layer of living tissue that sits below the epidermis, forming the skin. These patches can be large and may be challenging to live with. Skin diseases like psoriasis and vitiligo can make it uncomfortable to participate in certain activities. Thankfully, psoriasis and vitiligo are both treatable with Xtrac laser therapy.

Smiling woman with vitiligo

What You Need to Know About Xtrac

Xtrac laser therapy requires multiple sessions to be effective. For most patients, ten or fewer sessions—each lasting approximately 20 minutes—is enough to effectively clear an affected area. These sessions usually take place between one-to-three times a week, depending upon your skin type and severity of condition.

Xtrac laser therapy does not hurt, and no recovery time following treatment is required. This means that no anesthesia, general nor local, is required with Xtrac therapy, reducing the procedure’s associated risks.

Following the treatment, a feeling of being sunburnt—characterized by redness, itching, and tenderness—may result. Xtrac laser therapy, while effective, is not totally without risks. If you have a family history of skin cancer, make sure you discuss this with your dermatologist prior to receiving treatment. Xtrac laser therapy may increase the risk of developing non-melanoma type skin cancers.

How Xtrac Laser Therapy Works

Xtrac uses carefully-focused laser light beams to target patches of skin that are affected by psoriasis or vitiligo. The first laser of its kind to be approved for treatment for psoriasis, the Xtrac laser can work wonders on affected skin. If medications, creams, and other lifestyle and dietary changes haven’t worked for you, Xtrac laser therapy may be the solution. You can even receive Xtrac laser therapy treatment while pregnant, nursing, or on any of a variety of prescription medications.

Because there are few risks to Xtrac laser therapy, nearly anyone can seek this type of laser treatment. In fact, Xtrac is even safe for children to use, when approved by a board-certified dermatologist. Plus, Xtrac is covered by most insurance plans including Medicare. Xtrac laser therapy has also been approved to treat some types of eczema, too. Most health insurance and Medicare plans cover the treatment costs of Xtrac laser therapy.

If you suffer from psoriasis or vitiligo and are ready to learn more about the effectiveness of Xtrac laser therapy, we want to meet with you. Use the buttons below to find a clinician or a location that offers Xtrac laser therapy.

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