Make sure you don’t damage your skin this summer. Here are five tips to help you keep it healthy this season.

TIP #1: Apply – and reapply – sunscreen

Most of us know that we should apply sunscreen before sun exposure. We should, however, be applying it to any exposed skin every day. Yes, this means in winter, too! We are still exposed to UV rays throughout the year and through the screens of our gadgets so we need daily application. Reapply it every two hours to ensure long-lasting protection.  It is especially important in the summer when we tend to wear clothing that exposes more of our skin to the sun, and spend extra time outside!

TIP #2: Consider your clothing choices

All the parts of your body that are exposed to UV rays can be damaged by them. This is why you should dress in a way that keeps you both comfortable and protected, especially in the warm summer months. Instead of sleeveless tops and shorts, opt for long, linen garments that keep your skin shielded from the sun and keep you cool.

TIP #3: Modify your skincare routine

When the temperatures start to rise, you should make a few changes to your daily skincare routine. Not only should it include more sunscreen reapplications but it’s also a good idea to switch out your moisturizer for one that’s more lightweight. Richer formulas are better suited to dry, winter skin, and may clog your pores during the humid summer months.

EltaMD UV AOX Mist

SHOP the EltaMD UV AOX Mist

TIP #4: Keep your body + skin hydrated

The human body is about 60% water. We need to keep replenishing it so that our bodies can function at an optimal level. Make sure that you stay hydrated this sunny season by drinking enough water – experts agree around eight cups a day in warm weather – and eating plenty of water-dense fruit and vegetables.

TIP #5: Don’t forget neglected areas

A lot of people are diligent when it comes to their skincare routine but only focus on their face. This leaves other parts of the body, most commonly the hands, feet, neck, and chest, vulnerable to sun and environmental damage. Make sure you cleanse, treat and moisturize these areas, too, and that you also apply sunscreen to them regularly.

Make an appointment at your nearest APDerm location to see an APDerm practitioner or call us at (978) 315-5707.

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